Online Recruitment Portal
Despite the offline bio-data collection and recruitment, we are operating an online recruitment portal- - which serves as the platform for job seekers to register their CV and find preferred jobs. The local and international job vacancies are published on the website and the jobseekers can choose and apply directly from the website. This way, our database of aspiring candidates is increasing continuously.
Our Achivement
Being in the human resource development and manpower industry, we have accumulated abundant expertise which guarantees the efficient service delivery to our client. Our achievements are:
1. Recruitment of more than 50000 human resources to different countries.
2. Availability of jobseeker’s database with the company for quick recruitment.
3. Hundreds of satisfied clients
4. Strong network of company representatives ranging from grass-root to national level.
5. State-of-the-art office and management system.
6. Formation of a group of Companies.
Formation of a group of Company is our great achievement. Our other three wings where we are seeking to expand are:
1. Tourism,
2. Import & Export and
3. Investment and Housing. Not only this, we are also welcoming partners from around the world to be involved in these growing sectors in Nepal.
Code Of Ethics Grand Suite Job Pvt. Ltd. is an organization committed to providing recruitment service of the highest quality. To do this we recognize the need to operate in a highly ethical framework with a commitment to both corporate and individual responsibility and accountability. The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to instill confidence in the recruitment profession and to help an organization become a better recruiter. We truly believe that we can advance our profession by embracing this Code of Ethics.
1. No Conflict of Interest
2. Confidentiality & Privacy
3. Non-Discrimination
4. Protection of Intellectual Property
5. Anti - Bribery & Corruption
6. Fair Business & Promotion Practices
7. Freely Chosen Employment
8. Anti-human trafficking & slavery
9. No Child Labor
10. Accuracy, Retention of Business Records & Documents
11. Compliance with Laws & Regulations
Our Guiding Principles
1. Integrity: We adopt the highest ethical standard of our industry and operate with transparency and trust Integrity.
2. Compassion: We work and care for everyone S. tread them as equals. It has a very significant value on how we work.
3. Realization: We adopt the highest ethical standard of our industry and operate with transparency and trust
4. Excellence: We always deliver what we promised. We shall never compromise to provide quality service to our client. Through our company commitment to excellence, we strive to meet our customer needs.
5. Collaboration: We believe in team work. We encourage our member to share their knowledge, skill 8, experience among other staffs
Quality Policy
1. To provide quality foreign recruitment service with customer satisfaction at the center and continuous improvement of organizational activities.
2. Ensuring compliance with relevant industry specific standards and all statutory, regulatory and legal requirements including RBA and ILO.
3. Enhancing the knowledge and skills of both management team and staff through review and actively pursuing an on-going training policy.
Quality Objective
1. To provide ethical and professional recruitment service to jobseeker and client.
2. To carry out regular reviews of the QMS in order to monitor compliance and facilitate continual improvement.
3. To implement prompt action in respect of non-conformity, complaint and recommendations.
4. Always prioritize to take immediate action on grievances.
Code Of Conduct
1. Protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information and the continual 02. Equal opportunities of employment and freely chosen employment.
3. Zero tolerance for harassment, all forms of bribery, corruption, extoration, embezzlement, misconduct and unhuman activities.
4. Increasing Environmental safety performance.
5. Ensuring occupational health and safety and respecting intellectual property rights.
6. Zero costm Fair, Transparent, ethical recuritment and achieving Higher customer satifaction.
7. Non-Discrimination/ Non-Harassment and freedom of association.
8. Protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information and the continual improvement of the management system.
Our Core Value
1. Innovate and Improve:
Innovation opens a window for creativity and high performance. We are committed to our continuous growth & development.
2. Teamwork:
We work as a team. We share knowledge,experience and leverage continuous improvement for learning.
3. Integrity:
All individuals are accountable for the highest standards of ethical behaviour. We deliver recruitment services with honesty, transparency, equality and consistency.
4. Transparency:
We maintain total transparency with both recruiter and employee at the time of recruitment.
5. Positivity:
We strive to have a positive attitude in all that we do.
6. Law:
We respect the international laws and the laws of each nation and do our business there adequately.
Quality Excellence Model
1. Human Resource Planning
2. Effective Communication
3. Correction Action
4. Corrective Action
5. Benchmark Current Issue
6. Focus on Processing
7. Achieve Good Result
8. Long Term & Short Term
9. Objectives
10. Pareto Principle
11. Business Process Flow
12. JD/SOP
13. Risk Assessment
14. Research & Development
15. Fact Based Decision Making
16. Customer Feedback &
17. Grievance Management
18. Aim – Zerorization of Problem
19. Total Quality Management